It’s like an age-old riddle: What’s tall and sturdy and something you lean on every day? If you guess a balustrade, you’d be right—but that’s probably not the first thing that came to your mind. The reason?
Though the fancy phrase actually indicates one of the most integral parts of your staircase, there aren’t many of us that actually know what the term encompasses—or all the ways you can personalize your balustrade to make it your own.
The good news? That ends now, with our quick lesson on everything you need to know about this staircase essential.

A raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and surrounded by a low wall or railing. We Fabricate and install wrought iron balcony railings, as well as any species of wood and glass. Throughout these definitions the pictures you see on the right are all work done by Vision Stairways and Millwork, to give you an idea of exactly what we are referring to as well as show off our work a little bit. This is a wrought iron balcony railing we finished two years ago.
Balusters can also be called spindles or stair sticks. They are molded shafts made of wood or metal used to support the handrail on a staircase. They can also be called pickets or uprights. Vision Stairways and Millwork specializes in custom baluster work and we use the latest cutting edge technology to create them fast and perfect every time.
As you can see on the right, the style of the balusters can have a stunning visual effect on the overall finished look of your staircase. Choosing the right balusters can make all the difference when it comes to having an ordinary tired staircase and a modern sharp look that friends and family love.